Wednesday, June 6, 2012


we basically have all the requirements to start our project. today, we put our EFI components onto a board. Tony and i think it will be a good idear, if we can make the whole system works first, then next semester, we will improve it and make it better. under the concern of friendly evirionmentally and sustainability, we think we will use some kind of fluid which is not flammable and no corrosion ability to injectors to simulate the gasoline spray patterns in the injectors.since we also need to simulate the spark in the spark plug, this is why we can not use gas. as all the componnets in a car, you may never notice how imporant it is of the design of the whole sysem such as how to connect them in a logical way. but once you have to put them on a limited board the location of the many components are critical to the whole project design. before we actually fix them onto the board, we have to swap all the parts all around to get their perfect location.

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