Wednesday, September 5, 2012

nightmare: nothing happens

when we assembled  the system to test if all the components were working correctly, there was no fuel and no spark. As we know most electronic fuel-injection computer systems use the pick-up coil or crank sensor pulse as the trigger for when to inject fuel from the injectors. If this signal were not present, no fuel would be injected. Because this pulse is also necessary to trigger the module to create a spark from the coil, it can be said ‘no fuel, no spark’ situation. So we spent hours on testing the distributor and wiring to find the problem. Fortunately, we found out that the distributor was not earthed. When a distributor in a vehicle, it is earthed to the engine body through the metal mounts. Since now it is mounted onto a wooden board, the distributor must be earthed to the battery negative.

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